Benefits of a Steel Fire Pit Ring
So gather around the fire with friends and family, roast some marshmallows, and enjoy the warmth and light of your steel fire pit ring. At Walden Backyards, we offer only the best fire pit insert s...
When (and When Not) to Use a Fire Pit Ember Catcher
Our latest fireside tool, the Universal Ember Catcher, helps you to have ultimate control over your bonfire. When to use your ember catcher affects the the type of fire that will result. Read on to...
You don't have to confine the time you spend outdoors to the summer season. All you have to do is add a firepit to your yard and you'll be warm outside all winter long.
How to Install A Firepit Insert Kit
Now that you have installed your firepit, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Sit back, relax, and call some loved ones over or spend a quiet night by the fire. As you can see, installing ...
Safe Places for Your Outdoor Firepit
Even though there are a number of practical areas around your home to place a firepit, the safest spots are listed below. Since everyone’s property is different, there is no on-size-fits-all answer.
Can Sparks from a Firepit Cause a Fire?
Sitting by a warm and toasty campfire is a favorite pastime of so many, especially those who love spending time in the great outdoors. If you have a fire using your firepit, you may wonder if spark...
How to Prepare Your Ground and Yard for a Firepit
It's the perfect time to add a fire pit to your yard. In fact, outdoor fireplaces are the most requested design feature. Many people remember enjoying a warm campfire in their youth and want to cre...
Do You Have to Clean Out a Firepit?
Ash is acidic and corrosive to the surrounding firepit materials and can shorten the lifespan of your firepit surround. Ash also builds up as debris over time, making building and maintaining your ...
How do you keep firepits from Sparking?
Owning a firepit is a great way to keep warm while also doubling as a cooking source. No matter how you use your firepit: for heat, for relaxing around it, or for campfire cooking, minimizing spark...
Can I Put a Fire Pit on My Wood Deck?
Having a wooden deck provides even more area to spend time outdoors, especially if you enjoy grilling or relaxing whenever you are outside. If you are thinking of investing in a firepit and want to...